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You're viewing Medieval 2 : Total War Cheat Codes
Game Name : Medieval 2 : Total War
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2006-10-20 18:20:33
Views : 19866
Traits Use the following entries with the give_trait code. Note: Some of these can be accompanied with a "level number", usually ranging from 1 to 5, giving additional bonuses (or penalties). AcademyTrained AdoredByPope AgentPiety Anger Arse AssassinsGuildMember AssassinsGuildTrained Austere Authoritarian BadAmbusher BadArtilleryCommander BadAttacker BadDenouncer BadDiplomacy BadGunpowderCommander BadMerchant BadPrincess BadRiskyDefender BadSiegeDefender BadTaxman BattleChivalry BattleDread BigotWoman Bishop Bloodthirsty Brave BraveDiplomat BraveWoman CaptorChivalry CaptorDread Cardinal Cheapskate ChivalryLegacy ColdWoman ContentGeneral Corrupt Corrupted Coward CrusaderHistory Cuckold Cultured Cursed Deranged DesperateWoman Despoiler Disciplinarian DiscontentGeneral DivineProtection Divorced Dogmatic Doomsayer DreadLegacy DykeWoman EasternWarlord EducatedWoman Energetic ExRebel Exheir ExoticTastes ExpensiveTastes FactionKiller Factionheir Factionleader FairProsecutor FairWoman FaithfulWoman FamousPirate FathersLegacy Fearscatholic Fearsheretic Fearsislam Fearsorthodox Fearspagan Fearsslave Fearstimurids Fearsturks Fearsvenice Feck Fertile FertileWoman ForcedReligious Genocide Girls GloriousFool GoodAdministrator GoodAmbusher GoodAssassin GoodArtilleryCommander GoodAttacker GoodCommander GoodDefender GoodDenouncer GoodDiplomacy GoodGunpowderCommander GoodMerchant GoodMiner GoodPrincess GoodRiskyAttacker GoodRiskyDefender GoodSiegeAttacker GoodSpy GoodTaxman Gregarious GrowingConviction Haemophobic HaleAndHearty Handsome HarshWoman HasAdultress HashashinsGuildMember Hatescatholic Hatesheretic Hatesislam Hatesorthodox Hatespagan Hatesslave Hatesturks Hatesvenice HighPersonalSecurity HorseRacer HumbleWoman Hypochondriac IAmPope IAmPrincess IndecisiveAttacker Infertile InfertileWoman InquisitorFailure Insane InspiringSpeaker Intelligent Introvert JaguarWarlord JihadHistory LaxPersonalSecurity LegalDealer Lewd Loyal LoyaltyStarter MarriedAPrincess MerchantEnemies MerchantsGuildMember MerchantsGuildTrained Missionary Monopolist Multilingual NaturalAssassinSkill NaturalDiplomatSkill NaturalHereticSkill NaturalInquisitorSkill NaturalMerchantSkill NaturalMilitarySkill NaturalPriestSkill NaturalPrincess NaturalSpySkill NaturalWitchSkill NightBattleCapable Noctophobia Objective OpenMinded PassionateWoman Peaceful Perverted PopesEnforcer Pragmatic PretentiousWoman PrettyWoman PriestLevel Prim PublicAtheism Purifier RansomChivalry RansomDread ReligionStarter ReligiousActivity ReligiousInactivity ReligiousIntolerance ReligiousMerchant ReligiousTolerance RhetoricSkill Righteous Sane SecretlyFemale SecureMerchant SecurityMerchant Senile ServesSelfMerchant ShadyDealer Skill Slothful Sobriety SpiritedWoman StrategyChivalry StrategyDread StrickenSerious StrickenSilly StrongFaith Subjective Superstitious TheologiansGuildMember TheologiansGuildTrained ThievesGuildMember ThievesGuildTrained TimidWoman TolerantWoman TooOldToFight TouchedByTheGods TourneyKnight UglyWoman UnchasteWoman UnfairProsecutor Unwrath VapidWoman WaningConviction Warmonger WaveringFaith WifeIsBarren WifeIsBitch WifeIsCharming WifeIsFertile WifeIsHorrid WifeIsNoble WifeIsWise Woman WorldlyMerchant Wrath Xenophilia
Cheat mode Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Type one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Family member names, settlement names, and other proper names must be capitalized correctly.
Code: | Result: | character_reset | Allows a character to move again. Does not always work | process_cq "settlement name" | Anything in the city's building queue will be built automatically. | give_trait "character" "trait" "level number" | Give any trait your faction can have to a specific general | add_population "settlement name" "amount" | Give city more population | add_money "amount" | Gives you the specific amount of gold. | show_cursorstat | Shows coordinates under mousecursor in format x,y | toggle_fow | Toggles on or off the fog of war. You can see the whole world map when inputted. | auto_win "attacker/defender" | When at the battle scroll, input this code in, attacker if attacking, defender if defending and press auto retaliate button. Automatically wins. | move_character z x,y | z=name of settlement or unit without title (except Captain). x,y=coords |
All Factions Note: first make a backup!! Open the [game folder]\Data\world\maps\campaign\imperial_campaign\descr_strat.txt file with Notepad. You will see a list of the nations you can use in the beginning, the unlockable ones and the non-playables. Cut and paste the unlockable factions to the playable nations. Save the file. Now go back to the game and complete a campaign mode and all of the factions will be unlocked. Do not copy the end non-playables.
Adding Units to Stacks Just pick a city or any unit as if moving it and just open console and simple type george or any of those on this list and hit enter to get the following units
Code: | Result: | rogan | Elephant Artillery | vindaloo | Elephant Rocketeer | madras | Elephants | istanbul | Mercenary Monster Bombard | george | Mercenary Monster Ribault | houston | Mercenary Rocket Launcher |
Ancillaries Use the following entries with the give_ancillary code. Note: Some of these can be accompanied with a "level number", usually ranging from 1 to 5, giving additional bonuses (or penalties).
academic_advisor accomplice adultress architect chastity_belt diplomatic_escort explosives femme_fatale fine_cosmetics herald mercenary_captain secret_love witch_hunter zealous_disciple amerigo_vespucci marco_polo martin_luther jan_zizka raphael niels_ebbesen arnold_von_winkelried geoffrey_chaucer john_wycliffe bertrand_du_guesclin aldus_manutius michaelangelo hair_from_mohammeds_beard doctor tutor bard catamite apothecary drillmaster quartermaster biographer mentor taticius brilliant_inventor foodtaster librarian magician mathematician poisoner shieldbearer bodyguard monk | | Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Medieval 2 : Total War cheat codes.
Don't like EcheatZ? Why not try viewing these cheat codes at one of these great cheat code sites: Medieval 2 : Total War Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats Medieval 2 : Total War Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch Medieval 2 : Total War Cheats at A Cheat Codes Medieval 2 : Total War Cheats at Cheat Mad Medieval 2 : Total War Cheat Codes at Game Score |